With a mouse and keyboard, you have a far greater degree of accuracy and finesse available to you that, with practice, feels like it can be used constructively.

The thing is, this joke is far funnier on PC than it is on PS4 because of the way the gamepad controls the surgeon's hand. In motion control mode, you rotate the arm and tilt the wrist by waving the gamepad in a similar fashion.

What ensues is a unique approach to interactive slapstick comedy that sees you attempting to open a ribcage but instead accidentally dropping a live buzz saw among the patient's exposed internal organs. This is all part of the joke: you're expected to fail spectacularly and kill your patient multiple times. It boggles the mind to understand how one could possibly perform these operations in zero-G given how fiendishly difficult their terrestrial versions are themselves. Just like the surgical instruments, bones and organs conform to a rudimentary physics system, and the different environments function as difficulty modifiers.

Each of these operations can be performed in different environments: an operating theatre, on a wheelie bed while running down a corridor, in the back of a bumpy ambulance, and in zero gravity. The full range of surgeries is ready and waiting-heart transplants, kidney transplants, brain surgery, eye surgery, and teeth pulling. On the PlayStation 4, the Anniversary Edition packages everything into a single download. Surgeon Simulator has been available on PC and tablets for over a year now, and each version has seen gradual content additions since its first release. This is as much a "simulator" as Mario Kart is a driving test. Neither are to be found here instead, you move your hand around the operating table and manipulate individual fingers to grab instruments and pray you don't accidentally drop them in the patient's exposed chest cavity. It's a game that is deliberately designed to feel unwieldy as you perform operations that require dexterity and finesse. Playing Surgeon Simulator Anniversary Edition is akin to participating in a joke where you are the punch line.