Saints row 2 cutscenes
Saints row 2 cutscenes

saints row 2 cutscenes

Click the right analogue stick and the camera will swoop in over the character's shoulder, with a free-roaming reticule at the player's disposal to unload any of the sizable arsenal into Stillwater's inhabitants. It certainly ups the tempo of gunfights, giving the game an arcade lilt is pronounced throughout much of the game, from the luminous palette that brings Stillwater to life, to the stocky handling of the cars.

saints row 2 cutscenes

It's also possible to use people as a human shield in a gameplay trait shared with the forthcoming Gears of War 2, with the idea being that moving cover means levels can be attacked with more pace than is possible in other, more stilted action titles. Different fighting styles can be unlocked throughout the game, adding another layer of customisation to an already malleable game. There are a number of cinematic finishers, triggered by performing three of the same punches in a row, and most animations continue Saints Rows giggling predilection for well placed strikes to the nethers.

saints row 2 cutscenes

Why? Don't ask, just pummel them with your fists, which are controlled independently with either shoulder button. Saints Row 2's story - more of which you can read about over here, if you're so inclined - opens in prison, whereupon the first requirement is to kill the doctor. How this will complement the supposedly gritty and dark storyline is anyone's guess, though the fact that the player's choices regarding their appearance will be reflected in the cutscenes should add a little light relief to an otherwise grim tale. Nearly everything that comes under the player's command in the game can be twisted to their own ends, from the vehicles to the cribs through to fellow gang members - it's even possible to run with a troop of ninjas if you so desire. But, again, there's a lot here to mark out Saints Row 2's own distinctive territory, not least of which is the wealth of customisation that's on offer. While we didn't get to try the phone in action - it was hidden away in a submenu, so doesn't look to be as ubiquitous as Niko Bellic's cell - it's certainly a brazen acquisition from the competition, and as opposed to Niko's somewhat worn model, Saints Row 2's phone sports a look that's not dissimilar to the gadget du jour that is Apple's iPhone.

saints row 2 cutscenes

YES NO And it's not just in the marketing department that GTA IV is being referenced - Saints Row 2 even has its own phone on which you can invite your "homies" to indulge in various leisure pursuits.

Saints row 2 cutscenes