Now, there is something that is pretty common now with the way GTA5 is setup. Sure, it's not a car but I think it can still count as one of the ridiculous vehicles in the GTA series. There is also the Faggio which is a little electric scooter. One of the most recent of those vehicles would be the elusive Space Docker. Well, GTA has had a ton of vehicles with some pretty unreal feel over the years. You know it's not accurate and you like that unreal feel. And that is what makes it the most appealing, I think. Sure, you can take your aggression out by shooting up a ton of things or people or you can go joyriding in whatever sports car you want, but there is an element of complete farce that makes the GTA franchise absolutely unrealistic. And that's part of what I think people love so much about the game.

For anyone who has played Grand Theft Auto before (any of them), you will know just how silly some of the missions, characters, and cars can be.